Friday, January 11, 2019

How To Build A Feather Edge Shed

Anyhow i wanted a shed in my garden because my house is so tiny. i wanted something that would be unique but would last. i also wanted a studio in which to carry out my photographic activities. many of the sheds you see at garden centres look so flimsy. my son is a carpenter and so he suggested that we build a shed ourselves.. Ok trying to make a silk purse out of the pigs ear of my summer house the wife purchased for me to build. well its meant to be a playhouse for the kids they called it bird cottage, i call it bird-****-shed.. Fit the window and weatherboard over the door. cut and fix shiplap or feather-edge board to the frame-work using galvanised nails. on a smaller, lighter shed it may be possible to fix the boarding before assembly, however on this size shed the panels would be un-manageable. hang the door..

Wooden Sheds Garages Large : Iimajackrussell Garages - How ...

Wooden sheds garages large : iimajackrussell garages - how

Pent Roof 10 x 10 Standard Shed | Garden Sheds | Mega Sheds

Pent roof 10 x 10 standard shed | garden sheds | mega sheds

10X8 Combi Garden Room Shiplap Timber Summerhouse ...

10x8 combi garden room shiplap timber summerhouse

I've got a pretty ugly brick shed in the garden, it's got a flat roof which has just been refelted but it's an eye sore! i'm thinking of trying to tart it up by cladding it using feather edge boards attached horizontally to battens. i think this will make it look like a normal shed and a bit more attractive.. ˜